Hci exam questions and answers pdf
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human computer interaction exam 1
7) How interviews are conducted? 8) What kind of questions are used in usability questionnaires? 9) How observations results are conducted? 10) What is The CS-1Q class test will be composed of one Information Management and one HCI question. You will be required to answer both in 1 hour and 15 minutes. Answer: Correct answers to this question will describe both a pro and a con and the provided pros and cons will be something that makes sense in this task. Some These are not model answers: there may be many other good ways of answering a given exam question! The solution notes for the most recent two year's worth Interaction design is an application of common sense. 3. What are the elements of the Gulf of Execution? a. Information processing elements involved in Questions for Test 3 will be added. Answers are also included. NB 1. Please notice: some questions are only for BIT and TCS students. NB 2. All questions have Examination, HCI, December 2003 Instructions to candidates: Please answer all the questions. question, the carried marks are indicated. SECTION A contains multiple-choice questions and is worth 10 marks. SECTION B contains short-answer questions, some migh Exam question and sample answers for MSc HCI. Alan Dix. Question 1. Answer all parts. A computer games manufacturer is producing a new game called Gulliver. Solution: interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, ethnographic observation, cooperative eval, think-out-loud, documentation analysis, competitive products.
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